Motto: A new thinking… A new attitude… A new beginning!

1. Defining elements

The Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century is a party of the future interests of the entire society, a society where the social, national and political diversity ensures for the human personality the freedom of choice and conditions for plenary affirmation. We do not militate for the inexistence of rich people, we militate for the inexistence of poor people. We do not militate, however, only for the interests of the poor, we militate for the fight against poverty as a social phenomenon. We do not fight against richness, we fight so that richness and welfare may originate from legal earnings, not from corruption and the ruthless exploitation of human and natural resources. We militate for social justice, equal opportunities and an efficient democratic control of the society over the State.

Social justice means the promotion and implementation of high standards for the equality of life of the country’s population. Social justice means the right of each citizen to a job and the creation of conditions that would eliminate oppressiveness and humiliation, poverty and hunger, the fear of unemployment, of diseases and of old age.

Equal opportunities means not only the equality of all citizens before the law, but also the responsibility of the society and of the State for the development, education, training and provision of free healthcare and education for each citizen of the country, for the increase of the citizen’s standard of living, for free access to political and democratic institutions, for legal, economic and social protection, irrespective of the citizens material condition, social status and national belonging.

The democratic control of the society over the state means for us not only the unconditional realization of the principle of the supremacy of the law, but also the maximum transparency of all the State’s decisions and actions, the permanent growth of the rights of the civil society and of it’s institutions in relation to the duties of the state’s structures, of the duties of the local administration in relation to the duties of the central administration.

We assert ourselves against the affirmation and promotion of a single version of the realities and of the contemporary world. We plead for justified competition in the ideological field and in the field of ideas, notions and theoretical and practical approaches in the political, economic and social field.

We stand firmly against the causes that generate obscurantism and fanaticism, greed and ignorance and which favor the dictatorship of the nomenclature and the greed of the great economic and financial oligarchy.

We are in favor of the liberation of man from the negative influence of the concrete-historical contradictions in the society, and for an active critical attitude towards contemporary realities, an attitude based on an unbiased scientific analysis that will each time shed light on the level and content of contradictions.

In the current stage of its historical development, the Romanian society has become receptive to the humanist ideals and values we promote and within which social justice is unconceivable without ensuring jobs, and democracy without ensuring real opportunities for all the members of the Romanian society.

At present, in order to become a truly democratic European country, Romania needs that the right be granted for existence and affirmation on the Romanian political stage of the Romanian Communist Party – XXI Century , a party that is for the continuity of the existence of the State, of sovereignty and independence, and for the country’s economic reconstruction through the promotion of the national interest in all the fields of activity.

The Romanian Communist Party-XXI Century will be a promoter of the active and coherent social reforms, which will stimulate the development of all forms of property, will valorize the innovation resources of the entire society, will enable the creation of a state economy based on progress, knowledge and advanced technology and on the intellectual potential at highest-level.

The Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century will be a party adapted to the conditions of a multi-party system and of the mixed marked economy, a promoter of „Participatory Democracy” in the social and political life, and a party that will militate for unity and National Reconciliation, for an Economic and Social Development Program of Romania, on the medium and long term, for the implementation of which all the political forces in power or in the opposition will have to join their forces.

2. The promotion of Participatory Democracy

At present, the Civil Society and its bodies are based on the social classes: the workers, the peasants, the intellectuals, and a large number of social categories that together form the “working people”. Democracy is translated as the “power of the people” which makes the Civil Society, through an organized and efficient activity, the equal partner of the State in promoting the national interest. The democracy practiced at present is the “Representative Democracy”, where the citizens delegate the “power of the people” to representatives elected by vote. Elections legitimate the right of representatives to decide instead and on behalf of the people, without consulting them further, for a certain period of time, after which new elections must be organized.

When analyzing the evolution of the society over time, we find that the members of the Civil Society have fought and continue to fight for the “reduction of the excessive power” in the area of the leadership.

The actions for “contesting the excessive power” in many countries of the world have become more radical in time, due to the absence of dialogue between the power and the Civil Society and due to the measures imposed without taking into account the major interests of  the society. Such actions are a form of fight for “reducing the excessive power” of certain parties and of certain personalities elected by vote, in the Representative Democracy, that is practiced at present at global level.

In the Representative Democracy, the vote is the main way in which the Civil Society may act, legally, for the “reduction of the excessive power” of certain parties or political leaders, by means of their alternation in the leadership. However, in can be seen now that the change that is achieved through the “simple alternation in power” of different parties or personalities, without direct responsibilities in consulting the people when making decisions on its behalf, is no longer adequate for the current requirements of the Civil Societies around the world.

In the Representative Democracy, the current parties and the political leaders are elected by vote based on the “individual programmers they present”, for the fulfilment of which they have no direct responsibility before the voters. Moreover, during the time interval they are in power they can make decisions that are completely opposite to the electoral programmers and to the national interests, without the Civil Society being able to act legally in order to stop them.

Given that there is an increase at international level in the trend to concentrate power in the hand of certain parties and political leaders, the Civil Societies act with more commitment and determination to counteract the “absolute group and individual power” with the “collective solidarity”, militating constantly for the replacement of the Representative Democracy based on the leadership of the society through the promotion of group and individual interests with the Participatory Democracy based on the leadership of the society with the participate, support and cooperation of the Civil Society for the promotion of national interests in all the fields of activity.

The purpose pursued is for the Civil Society to become a driving force for the development of the society, capable of initiating programs of national interest in all the fields of activity, for the valorization of which the parties and political leaders must present during the electoral campaigns, individual programs for the implementation of the Civil Society Programs during their term in office.

In the Participatory Democracy, the parties and the political leaders will be voted in accordance with the solutions proposed for the efficient and operative implementation and completion of the Economic and Social Development Programs of national interest promoted and supported by the Civil Society.

In the Participatory Democracy, the leadership positions will no longer become positions of command as is the case in the Representative Democracy. Leadership positions will be executive positions for the programs advanced by the Civil Society in the interest of the entire nation. The value of the collective decisions is superior to the individual ones and the active participation of the Civil Societies in the leadership of the society is an objective need.

The participation of the Civil Society in the leadership will be achieved by making permanent the social dialogue that is lacking in the current society. The Civil Society will no longer be forced to make action to “limit the excessive power of the leadership”, as the power will cooperate and act in order to implement the Programs of national interest proposed by the Civil Societies. Thus, Civil Societies will become a major component of the Participatory Democracy, capable of cooperating, supporting and guiding the “power” in the efficient and timely completion of the Programs of National Interest.

The forms of leadership in the Participatory Democracy will become more efficient due the fact that those designate to lead will have direct responsibilities to those who elected them, who will be represented in the dialogue with the State by the Civil Society, which will have available mechanism for sanctioning the leaders, going as far as replacing them during their terms in office, if they are proven to be incompetent or acting in ill faith.

The Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century, will act consistently for the involvement and increase of the responsibilities of the Civil Society at all levels of the political, economic and social life, through the promotion of the principles of Participatory Democracy, based on which the Civil Society will become an “equal partner of the State” in the promotion of national interest.

3. The evolution of political theory and practice

The Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century, aims at acting not only as a political movement, but also as a movement of scientific analysis of the current practice and realities, not having the right to remain forever closed up in a given theory, but having the obligation to objectively analyses the past, the present and the future based on the Marxist dialectic system of mathematical knowledge of the world. This means that its members must think and act as true humanists and reformers, as people who design and shape the future, who bear the responsibility for this future, who know how to rely in their political practice not on civic confrontation, but on the consolidation and streamlining of the efforts of all the active forces interested in the proper course the society must follow.

Starting from the principles of “Democratic Centralism” and the results obtained in practice at internal and international level, it results that these principles have been interpreted, in many cases, in a simplistic manner as “the right of party members to elect their leaders by bottom-to-top elections and the right of the elected leaders to decide, from top-to-bottom, on behalf of those who elected them, without consulting them”. This interpretation has often allowed the emergence and affirmation of forms of “personal command leadership” which reduced the action and ideological cohesion of the members of these parties and, at the same time, made errors and random measures possible.

For these reasons, the Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century will promote the “Participatory Democratic Centralism” which promotes the democratic principle of bottom-to-top elections, based on criteria related to practice, experience and personal political qualities proven in practice, but which places a major focus on the “principles of the participatory leadership of the party”, based on the fact that “any leadership position” must be, first and foremost and “executive position” in order to put in practice the collective decisions made within the party, and not a “command position” for the party leader or a group within the leadership to impose the party certain personal points of view that exclude dialogue, detailed debates and collective decisions made by consensus or by majority voting.

Based on these conclusions, in is an objective necessity that the election of the President of the party by done by the “National Committee” and not by the “Congress”, in order to avoid the President being outside the control and collective leadership of the party.

The evolution of the human society in the 20th Century has determined the emergence, along the traditional “social classes” (workers, peasants, intellectual and capitalists), of a diversity of “social categories” which have new characteristics compared to the social classes. For these reasons, the Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century will promote and support through its activity the “Fight of the Working People for Social Justice, Progress and Liberty”.

Following the developments that took place in the human society at educational and propagandistic level in the last 24 years, for the new generation of young people the notion of dictatorship of any kind is unacceptable. Therefore, the Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century, which wishes to become the political framework for the affirmation and action of the young generation at national level, will constantly promote the “Participatory Democracy of the Working People”.

Analyzing the Role of Intellectuals in the post-industrial societies, we find that intellectuals represent a new class that in fact became the “engine” of all the positive changes in the society. We find that the global contradictions that are still persistent between work and capital give much more subtle, often more hidden forms to exploitation, which deepen the contradiction between science and power. Science has become a main driving force of production, which means that there is a need of a critical reassessment of the old postulates regarding the historical role of the “industrial proletariat” as the main driving force and even as the sole driving force of global social transformations. In the society, knowledge changes the principles of its nature and role. We can say that knowledge becomes the central driving of social activity: those how have the knowledge also have the power, and those who do not have access to knowledge unavoidably have secondary roles. This objective truth, which is entirely confirmed by the experience of the development of the modern civilization in the last decades, is at the basis of the emergence of a new quality of social activity. These is a reduction and shift of the mass, stereotyped activities towards the periphery of social production. In all the branches of the economy and in the basic sphere of social activities – from agriculture to cutting-edge technology – there is an emergence of a priority demand for a different type of workforce, which is characterized by the capacity to make creative decisions based on the skills and the level of training.

The intellectuals as a new class therefore confer integrity to the social relations on the vertical axis and unite the society through the objective common character of social, political and humanitarian claims it states.

As regards “internationalism”, the Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century  considers that the classical theory must be enriched with the experience gathered by each and every party, so as to acquire the legitimacy of the consensus of all the member parties. It is only through this working method that it will be possible for us to avoid the errors of the past. The new internationalism must give continuity to all the positive elements in the theory and practice accumulated so far, on the basis of relations of equality and solidarity between all the parties, the non-interference in the internal affairs of other parties and the respect for legislation and international law, in a multipolar world.

Starting from Karl Marx’s statements according to which “philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it”, the Romanian Communist Party- XXI Century promotes as an objection and shaping of the future by assuming responsibility for actions relying in the political practice not on civic confrontation, but on the consolidation of the efforts of all the active forces of the society interested in promoting the national interest.

4. Directions for internal action

Marx’s economic model, which was correct for analysis 19th Century capitalism, needs to be supplemented for the analysis of the transition societies of the 21st Century. At the center of Marx’s theory is a system of direct exploitation of the worker by the capitalist. In the current system of the transition, the direct form of exploitation is completed by the indirect forms of exploitation, through the intermediary of the State.

The population is not only exploited directly by capitalists, but it is also collectively exploited by the State, through a multitude of taxes charged from the population, the revenues thus obtained being then redistributed in favor of the “dominate governing coalition”, which forms a new class of state capitalists. The new class exploits the population not by virtue of the ownership. As a conclusion, in the transition capitalism, the types of State activity become to an ever greater extent mechanism of exploitation of the public wealth and of the population, in favor of private interests.

The Romanian Communist Party-XXI Century considers that giving an absolute role to “privatization” in the economy, to the total dissolution of the associative forms in agriculture and to “multinationals” as development diver, in the neo-liberal theory of globalization of the capital, did not lead to the desired results. Therefore, it is time that citizens became active participants in the establishment and completion of economic and social policies promoted in their name.

The economic downturn and the continuous increase of unemployment call for a change of the economic and social policy, in favor of ensuring jobs for all the citizens through the modernization of public services and an efficient investment policy, starting from the creation of a “new public area” and the transformation of the current “Minimal State” in an efficient “Participatory State” with responsibilities in identifying and valorizing, for the benefit of the entire society, of the country’s natural strategic resources and reserves, capable of achieving an efficiency-based balance between “public property” and “private property”, of ensuring education and free and high-quality healthcare of supporting and protecting scientific research, art, science, culture, the national human, spiritual and material values, of ensuring national security, the State’s integrity and sovereignty.

In conclusion, we must act for the “economic and social priorities to be in favor of the people, not only of the increase of the profits of multinationals”, militating for the promotion of the “mixed market economy” capable of promoting the economic, social and cultural traditions and the national character, of preserving and efficiently valorizing the country’s strategic resources and reserves.

Starting from the fact that the best social protection can be achieved by ensuring jobs for all the country’s citizens, we will militate for the promotion of efficient and stimulating ways of association and socialization within economic and social activities of local and national interests.

The reconstruction of the economy in accordance with the trends that are manifested at global level in the 21st Century. The economy will have to operate on performance and efficiency based criteria, valorizing the latest conquests of science and technology, in the conditions of the application of adequate managerial and legal mechanisms.

The reconstruction and modernization of the Romanian economy is conditioned by the simultaneous pursuit of essential objectives:

  1. The rethinking of industrial development from the perspective of national interests; the strategic orientation for the creation and development of competitive cutting-edge branches that would lead to the superior valorization of the country’s human, material and natural resources;
  2. The recovery of the national heritage that was alienated in branch of the legislation;
  3. The restoration and modernization of Romanian agriculture, who’s potential may and must be valorized to a maximum degree, and the practice of organic farming;
  4. The acceleration and diversification of the tertiary and quaternary sectors, in accordance with the developments at international level;
  5. Ensuring the competitiveness and flexibility of Romanian products on the internal and external market;

A special role will be conferred to the development of small medium-sized enterprises, through legislative measures and tax facilities, in order to increase investments in sectors such as: trade, tourism, communications, transports, services and distribution, the water and sanitation networks of the urban and rural localities.

Special attention will be given to agriculture, whose objectives are defined by ensuring food security, the supply of agricultural raw material to the population and to the industry and the provision of exports availabilities.

As regards infrastructure, action will be taken to rapidly modernize and develop it especially transports and telecommunications, which will boost industry and constructions.

In the efforts made for the optimal valorization, to the benefit of the natural interest, of the country’s wealth, action will be taken to protect the environment, all of Romania’s natural resources. In this respect, an important role is given to the protection, maintenance and rational exploitation of the forests, the internal hydrographical network, the Danube Delta national reserve and the continental plateau of the Black Sea, the constant promotion of non-polluting technologies.

We militate for ensuring and guaranteeing a level of decent existence for the disadvantaged social categories – the unemployed, the people who are laid off from work, the professionally “disqualified” and others will be given an effective and united support by investments, legislation and production as an expression of solidarity and social justice;

Pensioners must enjoy a dignified material and moral status, as is the case in all civilized societies.

We will militate for coherent social and economic measures for the protection and support of young people, women and children. The entire medical system requires rethinking, starting from Its resizing in accordance with social needs, the employment and remuneration of the specialized staff: doctors, medical assistants, nurses, etc., in accordance with international standards and the free coverage of services and medicines offered to the population.

The development of education, of Romanian research and of the related material base and the provision of thorough training, with a wide profile, including the promotion of professional education as a premise for the increase of dynamism and of economic and social and cultural progress.

The preoccupation for the consolidation of national security, through the permanent improvement and adequate endowment of the specialized institution in the field – the Army, the Gendarmerie, the Police and the intelligence services, which have important duties in the identifying the antisocial and antinational phenomena, the real internal and external risks, and the determination of the most adequate ways and means to counteract them.

Action will be taken to support freedom of speech and freedom of expression of opinion and the right of mass-media to support the constructive efforts of the Civil Society and the defense of personal dignity and the interest of the country.

5. Directions for external actions

We will militate for a Europe of the nations, without double standards, capable of ensuring equal opportunities for economic and social development and of guaranteeing the sovereignty and independence of each Member State.

Action will be taken to give continuity to the traditional relations of friendship and economic cultural and spiritual cooperation of the Romanian people with all the people of the world, and support will be given to the creation of “strategic economic cooperation axes” with the economic power of the world.

Action will be taken to valorize for the purpose of economic and social development, the geographical position of our country in the buffer area between Europe and Eurasia and the traditional relations with the countries in the region, with the Latin people of Europe and Latin America and for:

The return to the traditional “reactive” policy instead of the current “proactive” policy;

The discontinuity of the neo-colonialist policies of war, threats, “pre-emptive strikes” and embargoes;

The decolonization of information and the free access of all the countries of the world to the technical, scientific, cultural and information progress;

The peaceful resolution of all conflicts, the renouncing of force and of the threat of force in international relations, the promotion of disarmament and peace among all the people of the world;

The realization of multipolar world based on the respect of international law.